In accordance with the announced criteria and the deadline for submission, the abstracts will be uploaded to the system to be forwarded to the Chairman of the Scientific Committee through the Congress Organizing Committee.
The submitting and the presenting author must have completed the registration process.
The authors should indicate their “oral” or “poster” presentation type preference. However, The Referee Committee reserves the right to decide on the final presentation method.
The Scientific Committee may decide to accept, change, accept after revision or reject the abstract and share the reasons for this decision with the authors.
The abstract or full text should not exceed 250 and 1500 words excluding title, authors, and affiliations, respectively.
Each abstract/full text should contain: introduction, materials and methods, results and conclusions.
Introduction: A sentence stating the study objective or a problem should be defined.
Materials and Methods: methods, experimental models, and treatments, should be stated briefly, if pertinent
Results: a summary of results obtained with should be explained clearly and statistical analyses of results must be defined.
Conclusions: the conclusions of the study should be stated clearly and the importance should be emphasized.
Abstract/full text submission should be written to following guidelines:
Font: Times New Roman, 10pt.
Page Margins: Left: 2.5 cm; Right 2.5 cm; Top 2.5 cm; Bottom 2.5 cm
Text should be aligned to both sides.
References should be listed at the end of the text, not in the text.
Abstracts or full texts are required to be written as English
Reviews will not accepted.